
for tech-bimbo's and beginner hackers
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- Part 0 -
part 1 -->
- First Things First -
getting to know your vita
First, it's very good to know which model of Vita you own.
The easiest way of verifying your model, is to look at the ,
Are they oval? Then your model is a PCH-1000, also known as the first gen model.
Are they round? Then you have a PCH-2000, also known as the second gen model.
The most important differences between these models are:
- The 2000 has 1GB of flash memory, which the 1000 doesn't.
- The 1000 has an OLED screen, making it a bit crisper and color contrasty-er than the 2000 which has an LCD screen. (still v pretty imo)
- The 1000 is a bit heavier set than the 2000, giving it the nickname of the “fat” Vita as opposed to the 2000's “slim” model, but no body shaming in this space!
Whichever model you have or want to use is fine, it's completely up to you.
There's also a third model, the 1100. This is basically the exact same as the 1000 but with 3G support. Since this is the only difference, it falls under the 1000 category.
woeful ps vita memory cards
PS Vita memory cards range from 4GB to 64GB, and from expensive to ludicrously expensive.
The most affordable ones of 4GB and 8GB are pretty useless since they will only store a meager amount of games. One Vita game is gonna be at least 1GB to 3GB's large. An official memory card with a decent storage capacity, say 64GB, can easily cost you up to 150 euros, if you can even find one that is. Not worth it.
That's why most hacked PS Vita owners bypass the need for a memory card by using a microSD adapter called SD2Vita that fits in the game cartridge slot. The only downside of this being that you can obviously no longer insert any physical games that you own and would want to play, since the SD2Vita acts as your memory card. So if you're wanting to play the games you own on cartridge, you're gonna have to dump those cartridges yourself. We'll go over that process in a later chapter.
shopping for an SD2Vita
The SD2Vita is essentially a game cartridge with a MicroSD slot, just like the R4 card you might know for the Nintendo DS.
There's a couple of versions out on the market, but you're mainly gonna see The SD2Vita V5 and the V3. As cool as the black and red V3 looks compared to the ugly white V5, the V3 has a slightly different shape to it and may be too large for the game cartridge slot on the 2000 model making it unable to close, and that's NOT very cool. The V5 is the one you're gonna want.
There are two types of the V5 cartridge on the market. One is a SCAM. You can identify the correct one by seeing if the cartridge has “micro SD” written on it in big black letters. If it doesn't, don't buy it.
Got it? I know you do, you smart sexy creature you ;-)



Got all of that in your noggin? Good! Let's move on to the fun part.