
for tech-bimbo's and beginner hackers

You have arrived at Lolo's PS Vita hacking guide for tech-bimbo's and beginner hackers
Welcome! With this guide I aim to provide a clear, complete, and in depth explanation of the ins and outs of Vita hacking for absolute beginners, starting at the very basics. I will not only be providing the steps, but also explaining what we're doing and, importantly, why we're doing it. So if you are a no-nonsense "just tell me the steps" kinda guy, this is the WRONG place! <3
why did you write this, lolo?
As I too was once a young tech-bimbo with a cherished but underused Vita lying around, I know all too well what it's like trying to get into console hacking with no basis of tech knowledge. When it comes to niche, digital hobbies like this, online tutorials are often written by and for people who know what they're doing, which can be super daunting if you're just starting out! Additionally, the Discords dedicated to console hacking are usually populated by seasoned experts, so when a beginner hacker pops in to ask a simple question, they are often met with sighing emoji's and short, condescending answers (looking at you Vita Hacking discord)
Learning the basics of hacking to get more use out of devices that would have otherwise been neglected or discarded is the first step in battling electronic waste and planned obsolescence. They are incredibly useful skills to have! And hey, getting into hacking as a hobby shouldn't have to be such a stressful, clinical experience, we'll have a few laughs along the way :-)
but why the playstation vita?
What first drew me to want to hack it was its capable of natively emulating PS1 games, meaning it's basically a pocket PS1. "But so can the PSP", I hear you say. True! But the PSP doesn't have Gravity Rush on it, does it?
I jest. No disrespect to the Vita's (admittedly way more stylish) older brother, if that's your console of choice. I just feel a special type of sympathy for the Vita, having grown up with one. The poor guy completely bombed on release due to a weak launch lineup and having to run against the monolith that was the 3DS, but since then it's been adopted by homebrewers whom, upon realising its potential as a powerful little homebrew machine, cracked it wide open.
Put simply: This little thing is undervalued as hell. Learning to crack one myself and finding out about its true potential only multiplied my appreciation for it by 1000. I want to share my knowledge and spread the word on this thing in as accessible a way as possible!